STUPID ALERT: “Racist Vandals Spray Anti-Muslim Graffiti on Indian Sikh Temple in Australia”

The shocking CCTV footage captures two girls vandalising racial slurs on a Sikh temple in Perth's north-east

  • Two vandals have confused a Sikh temple for a mosque in Perth, Australia 
  • CCTV footage captures two girls vandalising racial slurs 
  • The damage to the building will cost up to $40,000 to repair 
  • Sikhs are from India and are neither Muslims nor Arab 
  • The incident follows just weeks after two Perth mosques and an Islamic school were targeted with racial slurs including ‘ban Islam’ 

The first girl is seen jumping as she tries to reach her target but the second girl leans down as the other girl jumps onto to her shoulders.

She begins spraying black paint on all the security cameras before they started vandalising the front of the temple.

The graffiti sprawled across the multi-million dollar temple included graphic images, offensive messages and racial rants including ‘Arab f****’, ‘Aussie Pride’ and ‘go home’.

Watch Full Video Below:

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